About Me

Hi! My name is Emily, or as more common here online: the Slavic Polytheist. This is my nice little corner of the internet, where I blog & talk about spirituality, religion, and the struggles as well as interests that relate to that overarching theme.

Just some background on me, as a person:

I was born & raised here in the PNW (Pacific Northwest)–really Washington state. I’ve lived most of my life here, outside a good year in Freiburg im Breisgau. That’s really my second home, to be honest. I loved Germany, and would go back there in a heartbeat, given the chance.

I love history, languages, & reading. I studied history & German at the university, and of course that means a ton of reading. I enjoy getting new resources to learn new things. My current research is into the history of Wales & the Czech Republic/Bohemia–partially due to family history, but also just for interest. I’m very slowly starting on the path to learn some Welsh now. It’s very slow going, but I can say a few things, so I call that a win in progress.

I’m a huge bibliophile. My book collection is, at this point, a bit out of hand, to be honest. I’ve done the responsible thing and donated over 500 books that I did not love but needed good new homes over the last two years, and I’m still organizing and slowly going through reading my digital Kindle collection. I’ve kept my Tolkien collection, my small German collection and my most favorite books as hard copies in my much more manageable physical library collection.

About the blog itself:

I’m a Slavic polytheist. That’s a very particular label choice, which I’ve come to after years of consideration, research and work with my deities. So you won’t see me calling myself a Rodnover here; though I will talk about that on occasion.

I work with Slavic gods, spirits, and creatures from folklore–primarily. I work most often with Veles among the pantheon, but I also work with Perun and the others as well. Outside the Slavic pantheon, I do occasional work with Catholic Saints, though this is rare and a very small part of my practice–primarily devoted to honoring the beliefs of my ancestors & their practices. Beyond these, I am beginning research into Welsh mythology, since I’ve been interested in this for several years now.

I’m fully fluent in German & I’ve been speaking it for 17 years now. I occasionally post in German about different topics and ideas, because it gives me a new look at spirituality & a new way to connect with and interact with the subject matter. All these posts written in German are tagged underneath the category “Auf Deutsch” if you’re interested in checking them out.

Short Points on Me

That’s it for the moment. If you have any questions or want to chat, drop me a line here. Or comment on a post. I love chatting & discussing ideas and points of view. So feel free to say something, I love getting new opinions on my work.


20 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Wow, Emily. I think we may have a lot in common! Perhaps we can connect online and maybe become penpals. Youre obviously intellectual, and your topics of interest are like mine. Looking forward to your response! CIAO! PS I began learning Czech with an app on my phone while breastfeeding and was doing great with it. I’d love to pick it up again and recommend it to you. We could write Czech letters!


    1. I do appreciate this. My Czech is rudimentary — and by that I mean I only know a few words I picked up studying Bohemian & Czech history; it’s nowhere near to a level to begin writing anything right now. I have a few years of study before I’m near competent enough begin writing letters!


  2. Emily
    I also am from Seattle! I am seeking to find another who follows the Slavic path. Great to come across your site! email me



  3. Great Blog! I’m new to Slavic Polytheism and found your blog and really think our views align very well. I’d love to discuss further with you and learn more. Email me if you wish 🙂


        1. Ah yeah, that is a real struggle. I haven’t found anyone familiar with Slavic deities that I’d be willing to recommend as to yet. If I find anyone, I’ll try to remember to short out a response here for you.

          Liked by 1 person

  4. Wow I am in awe I am just starting to get in touch with my Czech Heritage and want to follow a slavic path any advice on where to start? Thanks Jim Svitavsky


    1. Hi Jim! Sorry for the late response.

      I suggest avoiding most online groups until you have a footing. Most of the Facebook groups are…problematic, to say the least. And unless you have a background understanding to sniff out the racist/anti-Semitic/bigoted/otherwise problematic under currents, it’s very easy to get swept in by the big name personalities and beliefs that people talk about. Avoid Ynglism at all costs – it’s racist of the highest degree.

      I would say your best bet is to read more academic texts and articles. Those can still be problematic, but if you understand academics, it’s a lot easier to sus out the bad stuff here as opposed the usual internet where things are just “word vomit”. To be frank, a lot of stuff will be packaged as either “broad Slavic”, or will be Russian-specific in English. This is mitigated by article sources, where they discuss other cultures.

      I’d definitely recommend these books though as intros:
      Russian Myths – Elizabeth Warner
      Land of the Firebird – Suzanne Massie (this one has some problems, which I wrote about in my review of it a few months back, but it has some good basic information)
      Russian Folk Belief – Linda Ivanits (this is another good one)

      I’ve got some reviews for articles under my “Reviews” tag, if you check out the sidebar of my blog, under Slavic heading. Those are fairly varied on topics, some more niche than others, but they give you some good ideas of publications to check out, though definitely keep the publish date and author’s bias in mind!
      Also, my Sites of Interest page – I recommend Folklorica & the Studia Mythologica Slavica as good article sources. Again, keeping an eye to author bias, but these are good opening resources too – on a variety of topics (so history, folklore, straight mythology)!

      I’ll probably work on a full post with all of my books and sources, so keep an eye for that.


      1. Was wondering if you might be interested in writing something for a new platform we’re starting up, Indica.Polytheist, an online magazine devoted to continuous and revived polytheist traditions. If so, please contact me at epb223@gmail.com.


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